General English Question With Answer

1. A medicine for producing sleep:
(a) Narcotic    (b) Sporadic   (c) Anaemic   (d) Antiseptic
Ans: a

2. Even a _______ glance will reveal the mystery.
(a) crude    (b) cursory          (c) critical  (d) curious
Ans: b

3. Which is opposite in meaning to Unpredictable'?
(a) Dependable    (b) Nature          (c) Laudable        (d) Compliant
Ans: a

4. Find the mis-spelt word:
(a) Beetle   (b) Beautifull       (c) Bearable        (d) Beautician
Ans: b

5. Fate smiled _____ him in all his ventures.
(a) upon     (b) on         (c) at                    (d) over
Ans: c

6. This sort of situation will not be allowed to last _____ long.
(a) till         (b) up         (c) until      (d) for
Ans: d

7. Half the people of the village were carried off  by the epidemic
    (Choose the meaning of the idiom underlined):
(a) forced to migrate     (b) killed    (c) affected          (d) make homeless
Ans: b

8. My friend like ______ work on extra projects.
(a) from     (b) at                    (c) of                    (d) to
Ans: d

9. A poor man _______ I knew nursed the orphan.
(a) who       (b) whom   (c) that       (d) which
Ans: b

10. Oil is good ______ burns.
(a) for         (b) with      (c) at                   (d) by
Ans: a

11. Pending under judicial consideration:
a) Pro rata (b) Ultra virus    (c) Versus  (d) Sub judice
Ans: d

12. A place where bees are kept:
(a) Apiary   (b) Aviary           (c) Cage      (d) Mint
Ans: a

13. Which one is not singular?
(a) Medium         (b) Genius (c) Data     (d) Radius
Ans: c

14. He is proficient ______ mathematics.
(a) in                    (b) by         (c) for                  (d) with
Ans: a

15. Which word means 'To treat cruelly'?
(a) Prosecute       (b) Persecute      (c) Proscribe                 (d) Instigate
Ans: b

16. To spill the beans' means:
(a) To misbehave                                       (b) To keep secrets
(c) To reveal secret information     (d) To talk irrelevant
Ans: c

17. Which of the following is synonymous to the word 'Conjecture':
(a) Magic   (b) Guess   (c) Position                  (d) Form
Ans: b

18. His father often connives ______ his follies.
(a) in (b) at                   (c) for        (d) by
Ans: b

19. What a ______ picture! (Complete the sentence with the appropriate form of the word 'FASCINATE!):
(a)fascination      (b) fascinated     (c) fascinate         (d) fascinating
Ans: d

20. He _____ (begin) his speech before we _____ (arrive): Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs.
(a) had begun, arrived           (b) will begin, will arrive
(c) was beginning, arriving     (d) began, arrived
Ans: a

21: Find the mis-spelt word:
(a) Inspector        (b) Proprietor        (c) Admiror                (d) Jailor
Ans: c

22. She ran ______ the room.
(a) in                    (b) into       (c) out       (d) off
Ans: b

23. In the fierce attack, the enemies were completely wiped ______.
(a) out        (b) away    (c) off         (d) over
Ans: a

24. Choose the word that can be substituted for ‘That which lasts for ever':
(a) Eternal (b) Ephemeral     (c) Stable   (d) Permanent
Ans: a

25. If you requested him, he _____ you.
(a) will help         (b) will be helping      
(c) would help    (d) would have helped
Ans: c

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