University Assistant Exam

1. By this time tomorrow, I _____ this job.
(a) will finish                 (b) shall finish
(c) will have finished    (d) will be finishing
Ans: c

2. Choose the correctly spelt word:
(a) Accademy      (b) Academy        
          (c) Acadamy        (d) Accadamy
Ans: b

3. Place for keeping birds:
(a) Cage      (b) Kennel          (c) Aviary            (d) Aquarium
Ans: c

4. The political party needs workers to _____votes during the election campaign (select the most appropriate word):
(a) canvas   (b) collect           (c) gather            (d) canvass
Ans: d

5. _____ come to my rescue I would have been killed by the bandits.
(a) If he did not             (b) If he would not      
(c) Had he not              (d) He having not
Ans: c

6. He enquired _____ my health:
(a) for         (b) after    (c) into       (d) of
Ans: c

7. A large scale departure of people:
(a) Migration       (b) Immigration          (c) Retreat          (d) Exodus
Ans: d

8. If I know his address I _____.  
(a) will give it to you                        (b) would give it to you
(c) would have given it to you         (d) would be giving it you
Ans: a

9. A man who dances to the tunes of his wife:
(a) Henpecked              (b) Effeminate    (c) Slave     (d) Chum
Ans: a

10. Consulting number twelve in a sequence:
(a) Twelth            (b) Twelfth          (c) Twelveth        (d) Twelvth
Ans: b

11. A set of rooms for one person's family use or for a particular purpose:
(a) Suite     (b) Suit      (c) Soot      (d) Sweet
Ans: a

12. You had better _____ smoking.
(a) quit       (b) to quit            (c) quitting          (d) to quitting
Ans: a

13. She was anxiously _____.  
(a) waiting you              (b) waited you    
(c) waiting for you        (d) wait you
Ans: c

14. Do you enjoy _____?  
(a) swim     (b) to swim          (c) swimming      (d) to swimming
Ans: c

15. There was _____ rain for two days and all the rivers in the area were flooded:
(a) Continued      (b) Continuum   (c) Continuous   (d) Continual
Ans: c

16. I _____ the letter, but I can't find a stamp:
(a) have written (b) had written    (c) wrote    (d) was writing
Ans: a

17. Identity the incorrect group:
(a) Ox-Oxen                  (b) Woman student-.Woman students
(c) Thesis- Theses        (d) Criterion- Criteria
Ans: b

18. The glass was _____ last night.
(a) breaking         (b) broke    (c) brokened        (d) broken
Ans: d

19. Central area or main business area of a city:
(a) Upmarket      (b) Downtown     (c) Township       (d) Cityscape
Ans: b          

20. Would you mind _____ the window?
(a) open     (b) opening         (c) to open                    (d) for opening
Ans: a

21. The first Chief Justice of India:
(a) Hiralal J Kania        (b) MH Kania
(c) YV Chandrachud     (d) KN Singh
Ans: a

22. Part VI of the Constitution is applicable to all states except:
(a) Sikkim  (b) Assam           (c) Punjab                     (d) Jammu & Kashmir
Ans: d

23. The strength of the Vidhan Perished cannot be less than:
(a) 40                   (b) 60        (c) 30         (d) 50
Ans: a

24. Lao Tse, the founder of Taoism belonged to:
(a) China    (b) Japan            (c) Nepal             (d) Mongolia
Ans: a

25. Who is the originator of Penny postal system?
(a) Graham Bell        (b) Edison     (c) Rowland Hill (d) Thoullier
Ans: c

26. The trade name 'BSA' is related to:
(a) Bicycles          (b) Shoes            (c) Bulbs              (d) Television
Ans: a            

27. In which century Delhi was conquered by the Muhammad Ghori?
(a) 12          (b) 13                   (c) 14                   (d) 11
Ans: a

28. The Portuguese defeated Kunhali IV in AD:
(a) 1450     (b) 1500    (c) 1700    (d) 1600
Ans: d

29. Who was the minister in charge of the portfolio of Labour in the first EMS ministry?
(a) TV Thomas    (b) KC George     (c) TA Majeed    (d) KR Gowri
Ans: a

30. The chief minister of Kerala who ruled for the longest period:
(a) K. Karunakaran       (b) EMS    (c) EK Nayanar   (d) AK Antony
Ans: c

31. The district which is the largest producer of spices in Kerala:
(a) ldukky            (b) Kollam           (c) Ernakulam     (d) Kannur
Ans: a

32. The river flows through silent valley:
(a) Pamba                       (b) Chaliyar       
 (c) Kunthippuzha        (d) Bharatappuzha
Ans: c

33. Chambakkulam boat race is held in:
(a) Pamba river            (b) Punnamada lake
(c) Ashatamudi lake     (d) Vembanad lake
Ans: a

34. Who was the first secretary of K.P.C.C?
(a) K. Kelappan                      (b) K. Madhavan Nair
(c) K.P.Kesavamenon            (d) Kuroor Nampoothirippad
Ans: b

35. The four founder leaders of Communist Party in Kerala were P.Krishna Pilla, K Damodaran, NC Sekhar and _____. 
(a) EMS     (b) AKG     (c) MN Govindan Nair (d) KPR Gopalan
Ans: a

36. The largest national park in Kerala:
(a) Silent Valley                      (b) Mathiketan Chola
(c) Pampadumchola              (d) Iravikulam
Ans: d

37. The youngest to become the President of India:
(a) Rajendraprasad       (b) Dr.Radhakrishnan (c) Sanjiva Reddy
Ans: c

38. Cripp's Mission visited India in:
(a) 1941      (b) 1942    (c) 1943    (d) 1944
Ans: b

39. Who founded Theosophical Society in United States in 1875?
(a) Annie Besant                    (b) Madam Blavatsky
(c) Colonel HS Olcott             (d) Both (b) and (c)
Ans: d

40. Who said 'Give me blood, I shall give you freedom'?
(a) Netaji Bose    (b) Gandhiji         (c) Nehru  (d) Sardar Patel
Ans: a

41 Gandhiji was assassinated on:
(a) 30th January 1947       (b) 31st January 1948 (c) 30th January 1948
Ans: c

42 Who was the Governor General when Sati was prohibited?
(a) William Bentick      (b) Charles Metcalfe
(c) Auckland                 (d) Hardinge I
Ans: a

43. The year of Battle of Haldighati in which Mughal forces under Raja Man Singh defeated Rana Pratap:
(a) 1582      (b) 1571     (c) 1582      (d) 1576
Ans: d

44. The first Sikh Gum:
(a) Guru Nanak   (b) Guru Angad (c) Guru Arjun   (d) Guru Har Rai
Ans: a

45. Who authored 'Saundarananda' and 'Buddhacharita'?
(a) Banabhatta    (b) Vasumitra     (c) Aswaghosha     (d) Bharata       
Ans: c

46. Alexander invaded India in the year.
(a) 327-326 BC   (b) 516 BC (c) 72 BC    (d) AD 58
Ans: a

47. Who is regarded as the founder of Theravada Buddhism, a sect of Hinayana Buddhism?
(a) Nagarjuna      (b) Mogaliputta Tissa
(c) Upagupta       (d) Vasumrtra
Ans: b

48. Which of the following Vedas is a collection of spells and incantations?
(a) Atharva Veda          (b) Yajur Veda   
(c) Rig Veda                  (d) Sama Veda
Ans: a

49. Father of Indian Archaeology:
(a) John Marshall         (b) Alexander Cunningham
(c) RD Bannerjee                   (d) Daya Ram Sahni
Ans: b

50. Arakan Yoma is an extension of Himalayas located in:
(a) Baluchistan     (b) Nepal   (c) Kashmir    (d) Myanmar
Ans: d

51. With which country has India the longest border:
(a) Pakistan         (b) China    (a) Bangladesh    (d) Myanmar
Ans: c

52. Chandigarh is known as:
(a) Pensioner's paradise         (b) Beautiful city
(c) High tech city                            (d) Pink city
Ans: b

53. Which river is known as the 'Sorrow of Bengal'?
(a) Ganga   (b) Hugly            (c) Damodar       (d) Bhagirathy
Ans: c

54. Where is Meenakshi temple?
(a) Kollur   (b) Madurai         (c) Tanjavur        (d) Kanchipuram
Ans: b

55. Bikaner Camel festival is held in the state of:
(a) Gujarat                              (b) Rajasthan
(c) Andhra Pradesh      (d) Madhya Pradesh
Ans: b

56. State Bank of India was formerly known as:
(a) Federal Bank            (b) Imperial Bank       
 (c) Union Bank             (d) Colonial Bank
Ans: b

57. The external intelligence agency of India, RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) was established in:
(a) 1963     (b) 1968     (c) 1969     (d) 1948
Ans: b

58. Central Building Research Institute is located at:
(a) New Delhi      (b) Bangalore      (c) Roorkie         (d) Pilani
Ans: c

59. The first modem university in India was established in:
(a) New Delhi      (b) Kolkata          (c) Karachi                    (d) Chennai
Ans: b

60. Formosa is now known as:
(a) Indonesia       (b) Taiwan          (c) Cambodia       (d) Vietnam
Ans: b

61. Mexico is not the birth place of:
(a) Dahlia   (b) Vanilla          (c) Papaya           (d) All of these
Ans: d

62. In which continent is 'Sentinel range?
(a) Africa       (b) Australia     (c) North America        (d) Antarctica
Ans: d

63. Which gland is known as Adam's apple?
(a) Pituitary         (b) Penial   (c) Thymus         (d) Thyroid
Ans: d

64. Which is a water soluble vitamin?
(a) A           (b) D                    (c) C           (d) K
Ans: c

65. Who is the father of the Theory of the Inheritance of Acquired Characters?
(a) Lamarck        (b) De Vries        (c) Darwin          (d) Johanson
Ans: a

66. Which is the useful pad of Grampoo?
(a) Flower            (b) Bud       (c) Fruit     (d) Seed
Ans: b

67. What is known as 'Green Vitriol'?
(a) Copper Sulphate     (b) Zinc Sulphate
(c) Ferrous Sulphate    (d) Zinc Phosphide
Ans: c

68. Sidanaphil Citrate is also known as:
(a) Viagra            (b) Hypo    (c) Teflon   (d) Alum
Ans: a

69. The first to synthesise urea artificially:
(a) Frederic Bunting     (b) Frederic Wohler     (c) Michael Faraday
Ans: b

70. Visible pad of sun:
(a) Hydrosphere           (b) Photosphere
(c) Ionosphere              (d) Troposphere
Ans: b

71. Which colour absorbs heat the least:
(a) Black     (b) White             (c) Red       (d) Violet
Ans: b

72. In how many subjects Alfred Nobel instituted Nobel Prize?
(a) 6           (b) 5           (c) 4
Ans: b

73. The first to get Gandhi Peace Prize:
(a) Mother Theresa      (b) Nelson Mandela
(c) Julius Nyerere        (d) Baba Amte
Ans: c

74. The first Secretary General of United Nations:
(a) Trygve Lie      (b) Dag Hammarskjold
(c) U Thant         (d) Kurt Waldheim
Ans: a

75. The birth anniversary of Netaji Subash Bose is observed as:
(a) Children's Day                  (b) Army Day
(c) National Sports Day         (d) Patriotism Day
Ans: d

76. The art form in Kerala which was included in the World Heritage List of UNESCO in 2010:
(a) Arjuna Nritham      (b) Mudiyettu
(c) Chakyarkooth          (d) Ottan Thullal
Ans: b

77. The seat of Lokayukta in Kerala:
(a) Ernakulum    (b) Thiruvananthapuram     
(c) Kozhikode      (d) Thrissur
Ans: b

78. The first evening court in Kerala was inaugurated at:
(a) Kochi    (b) Kozhikode      (c) Thiruvananthapuram      (d) Kannur
Ans: c

79. The headquarters of the Veterinary University in Kerala:
(a) Mannuthy      (b) Kalpetta        (c) Pookkode       (d) Kalamassery
Ans: c

80. The capital of South Sudan, 193rd member of the United Nations:
(a) Khartoum      (b) Juba     (c) Ramciel          (d) Jonglei
Ans: b

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