General English Part- 26

1. A period of thousand years.
(a) Century
(b) Millennium
(c) Era
(d) None of these
Ans: b

2. Milk is good ___ drink
(a) for
(b) to
(c) in
(d) of
Ans: b

3. A person who always believe that the worst will happen is called____
(a) an optimist
(b) a victim
(c) a pessimist
(d) A villain
Ans: c

4. Able to use the left hand and right hand equally well:
(a) Ambivert
(b) Ambivalent
(c) Ambidextrous
(d) Ambitious
Ans: c

5. The ‘adverb’ among these words is:
(a) Quickly
(b) Boost
(c) Harsh
(d) Glow
Ans: a

6. The collective noun for ‘monkeys’:
(a) herd
(b) troop
(c) collection
(d) company
Ans: b

7. The collective noun for ‘stars’:
(a) congregation
(b) constellation
(c) collection
(d) chain
Ans: b

8. The judge acceded ____ his request:
(a) with
(b) against
(c) to
(d) for
Ans: c

9. The meaning of “Complement”:
(a) to flatter
(b) duplicate
(c) enlarge
(d) make complete
Ans: d

10. The opposite of ‘Repulsive’:
(a) Smooth
(b) Attractive
(c) Excessive
(d) None of these
Ans: b

11. The opposite of ‘Wander’:
(a) Run
(b) Walk
(c) Settle
(d) Roam
Ans: c

12. There were ______ telephone booths around, so that the old one is closed.
(a) few
(b) a little
(c) a few
(d) little
Ans: c

13. Which one is ‘singular form’?
(a) data
(b) datum
(c) crises
(d) criteria
Ans: b

14. Which word means’ understand fully’:
(a) apprehend
(b) pretend
(c) discuss
(d) comprehend
Ans: d

15. The synonym of ‘Pandemonium’:
(a) Great joy
(b) Big crowd
(c) Noisy disorder
(d) Musical instrument
Ans: c

16. When fire broke out, the fire brigade was called to put ___ the fire.
(a) out
(b) off
(c) down
(d) away
Ans: a

17. Time ____ all sorrows:
(a) heels
(b) heals
(c) heel
(d) heal
Ans: b

18. The word ‘Porous’ is a:
(a) noun
(b) gerund
(c) adjective
(d) conjunction
Ans: c

19. The phrase ‘turn down’ means:
(a) appear
(b) accept
(c) reject
(d) abolish
Ans: c

20. Choose the correctly spelt word:
(a) Forriegn
(b) Autumn
(c) Changd
(d) Begining
Ans: b

21. The idiom ‘ A man of his word’ means:
(a) A talkative person
(b) One who keeps one’s promise
(c) A cunning person
(d) A charlatan
Ans: b

22. The meaning of ‘Prophesy’:
(a) Foretell
(b) Sigh
(c) Ratify
(d) Profuse
Ans: a

23. Which one of the following is a masculine gender?:
(a) Sow
(b) Witch
(c) Goose
(d) Duke
Ans: d

24. Why don’t you sit ____ me.
(a) close
(b) beside
(c) along
(d) next
Ans: b

25. Immediately after the accident, the injured passengers _____ to the hospital.
(a) was taken
(b) have taken
(c) has been taken
(d) were taken
Ans: d

26. Remani is the ____ of our ward in the city corporation.
(a) counsellor
(b) councillor
(c) Councilar
(d) Counselar
Ans: b

27. Sunil is ____ than Mohan in his studies.
(a) best
(b) bad
(c) better
(d) good
Ans: c

28. The teacher was trying to ____ the idea that perseverence was the key to success.
(a) drive out
(b) drive home
(c) drive off
(d) drive away
Ans: b

29. A medicine tending to loosen the bowels:
(a) Anodyne
(b) Antidote
(c) Laxative
(d) Sedative
Ans: c

30. Choose the correctly spelt word:
(a) Athletix
(b) Athlatics
(c) Atheletics
(d) Athletics
Ans: d

31. Find the word that is correctly spelt:
(a) Moskitoes
(b) Mosqwitoes
(c) Mosquitose
(d) Mosquitoes
Ans: d

32. His addiction ___ alcohol is sure to ruin his future.
(a) under
(b) with
(c) of
(d) to
Ans: d

33. ‘Elucidate’ means:
(a) to evade
(b) to make something clear by explaining
(c) to remove of get rid of
(d) make week
Ans: b

34. This house was built ____ 2005.
(a) at
(b) on
(c) in
(d) with
Ans: c

35. A person who readily believes others is ___ one:
(a) Credulous
(b) Credible
(c) Creditable
(d) Sensible
Ans: a

36. All jobs are respectable ____ of their nature.
(a) irrespective
(b) irresponsible
(c) immaterial
(d) irrelevant
Ans: a

37. Choose the correct word:
(a) Accommodation
(b) Acommodation
(c) Acomodation
(d) Accommodashan
Ans: a

38. Find the mispelt word:
(a) Downpore
(b) Downtown
(c) Downstairs
(d) Downright
Ans: a

39. He preferred cricket ___ any other sport.
(a) against
(b) to
(c) in
(d) over
Ans: b

40. I will think ____ the matter
(a) about
(b) of
(c) in
(d) on
Ans: a

41. The phrase ‘go on’ means:
(a) finish
(b) continue
(c) liberate
(d) dominate
Ans: b

42. Which is opposite in meaning to ‘Stern’?
(a) Crabby
(b) Lenient
(c) Polite
(d) Unreasonable
Ans: b

43. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of ‘FATIGUE’:
(a) Drowsiness
(b) Weariness
(c) Tension
(d) Sweating
Ans: b

44. One who lends money at exorbitant rates of interest:
(a) Usurer
(b) Bankrupt
(c) Investor
(d) Vendor
Ans: a

45. ___ best way to succeed is to work hard.
(a) The
(b) My
(c) A
(d) An
Ans: a

46. A person who believes in going out naked:
(a) Nudist
(b) Pagan
(c) Pedant
(d) Manic
Ans: a

47. One who investigates a crime:
(a) Spy
(b) Infiltrator
(c) Detective
(d) Emissary
Ans: c

48. The expression ‘vox populi, vox dei’ means:
(a) The more, the merrier
(b) The voice of the people is the voice of God
(c) Population explosion is a serious threat to humanity
(d) Man proposes but God disposes
Ans: c

49. The plural form of ‘Son-in-law’:
(a) Son-in-laws
(b) Sons-in-laws
(c) Sons-in-law
(d) None of these
Ans: c

50. Deserving blame of an offence or crime:
(a) Palpable  
(b) Culpable
(c) Palatable
(d) Gullible
Ans: b

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