Women Police Constable

1. Cover Page of Indian Constitution was designed by:
Ans: Nandalal Bose

2. The first Democracy in the world:
Ans: Greece

3. Who is known as 'Modern Budba'?
Ans: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

4. The First acting President of India:
Ans: V.V. Giri

5. University Grand Commission (UGC) started during ____ Five Year Plan.
Ans: First

6. The first chairman of National Human Right Commission:    
Ans: Justice Ranganath Misra

7. Which country passed the rights to information Act first:
Ans: Sweden

8. International Woman's day is on:
Ans: March 8

9. Dowry prohibited Act was passed by the Parliament in:
Ans: 1961

10. The first Vigilance Commissioner of India:
Ans: N. Srinivas Rao

11.2014 Common Wealth game held in:
Ans: Glasgow

12. Father of Malayalam Film:
Ans: J.C. Daniel

13. Who is known of 'Kerala Scott'?
Ans: C.V. Raman Pillai

14. Who said 'Knowledge is Power and Ignorance is Death'?
Ans: Swami Vivekanandan

15. Who wrote the Famous Book 'The path to power'?
Ans: Robert Caro

16. 'Long Walk to Freedom' is the Autobiography of
Ans: Nelson Mandela

17. Boz is The Pet Name of:
Ans: Charles Dickens

18. Zulu's are Tribal people lives In:
Ans: South Africa

19. 'Oneirology' is the Study of:
Ans: Dreams

20. Which among the following is not an Isotope of Hydrogen?
(a) Protium         (b) Deuterium     (c) Trititun          d) Curium
Ans: d

21. Number of groups in the modern periodic table:
Ans: 18

22. Most Abundant Metal in the human body:
(a) Nitrogen        (b) Calcium        (c) Phosphorus   (d) Iron
Ans: b

23. Yellow colour of turmeric is due to:
a) Carotene          (b) Curcumine    (c) Chlorophyll    (d) Xanthophylls
Ans: b

24. The chemical name of Vitamin E:
(a) Tocopherol    (b) Phylloofuinone       (c) Calciferol        (d) Retinol
Ans: a

25. The substance which are used for artificial raining:
(a) Silver Bromide        (b) Silver Iodide
(c) Silver Nitrate                    (d) Sodium Chloride
Ans: b

26. Animal having Heaviest Liver but lightest heart:
(a) Elephant        (b) Cow      (c) Pig        (d) Rabbit
Ans: C

27. Normal Blood Cholesterol level of Human body:
Ans: 100-180 mg/1000 ml

28. In which part of the human body is Rickets Effects?
Ans: Bone

29. Father of Indian Railway is :
Ans: Lord Dalhousie

30. As mosquito is to Riggler cockroach is to.
(a) Maggot          (b) Cater Pillar   (c) Nymph                    (d) Chitin
Ans: c

31. Name the Bird, which can fly backwards:
Ans: Humming Bird

32. Father of Green Revolution:
Ans: Norman Borlaug

33. 'Unfinished Dream' is a book written by.
Ans: Varghese Kurian

34. Leading Producers of milk in India:
Ans: Uttar Pradesh

35. First Malayalee Woman to appear in Indian Postage Stamp:
Ans: Alphonsamma

36. World Telecommunication day is observed on:
Ans: May 17

37. Which part of the Indian constitution is called magnacarta of India or keystone of the constitution?
Ans: Part III

38. Father of Indian planning is:
Ans: M. Viswasvrarayya

39. Hypermetropia means:
(a) Short Sightness      (b) Long Sightness
(c) Astigmatism            (d) Night Blindness
Ans: b

40. The Keralite whose Birth day and Death anniversary are celebrated as holiday by Kerala Government:
Ans: Sri Narayana Guru

41. Who was the founder of Nair Service Society (NSS)?
Ans: Mannath Padmanabhan

42. Who was the First General Secretary of SNDP?
Ans: Kumaranasan

43. A.K.G. Statue is situated at:
Ans: Kannur

44. Malabar Economic Union was founded by:
Ans: Dr. Palpu

45. Name the district where most number of Railway station in Kerala?
Ans: Thrissur

46. In which district is 'Ponmudy dam' situated?
Ans: Idukki

47. Which Road is the first Rubberised road in Kerala?
Ans: Kottayam-Kumili

48. The first floating ATM in India is established by SBT at:
Ans: Kochi

49. Which Prime Minister inaugurated 'Silent Valley' National Park?
Ans: Rajeev Gandhi

50. How many Time zones are in India?
Ans: One

51. _____ commonly known as 'October heat'.
Ans: North-East Monsoon

52. The Red colour of red soil due to the presence of:
Ans: Iron oxide

53. Corbet National Park is situated in Will.
Ans: Uttarakhand

54. The Book The First War of Independence' was written by:
Ans: V.D. Savarker

55. Who is known as Father of Indian Economy and Indian Politics?
Ans: Dada Bai Navaroji

56. Jalian Valabagh Massacre was took place on:
Ans: 13th April 1919

57. The motto of SPG (Special Protection group):
Ans: Bravery Dedication Security

58. The passenger had an _____ with the ticket examiner for 10 minutes.
(a) alternative      (b) alternate       (c) alternation     (d) altercation
Ans: b

59. Pick out the correct spelling
(a) Memorandem         (b) Memorendem
 (c) Memorandum        (d) Memorendam
Ans: c

60. My grandfather usually has forty winks after lunch the underlined words mean:
(a) a shortwalk    (b) a short sleep  (c) read for awhile  (d) a short talk
Ans: b

61. The word ' Fraudulence' means:
(a) Congregation (b) Custom         (c) Correction    (d) Corruption
Ans: d

62. In a democracy every one _____ obey the laws of the country.
(a) can        (b) will       (c) may       (d) ought to
Ans: d

63. Mr. Gupta accompanied by his two sons, _____ going on a tour abroad.
(a) are        (b) has        (c) is           (d) were.
Ans: c

64. _____ furniture arrived for you this morning.
(a) the        (b) a           (a) an         (d) some
Ans: d

65. What is paper made _____?
(a) of          (b) with      (c) on         (d) upon
Ans: a

66. When I left the house, I ____ all the rooms.
(a) locked   (b) had locked     (c) has locked     (d) have locked
Ans: b

67. He said "I shall come" - this can be rewrite into indirect speech as:
(a) He said that heshall come
(b) He said that he might come
(c) He said that he would come
(d) He said that he should come
Ans: c

68. Arrange Into proper sentence:
An old man, saw, I, crossing the road
(a) An old man crossing the road, I saw
(b) I saw an old man, crossing the road
(c) I crossing the road, saw an old man
(d) An old man saw, 1 crossing the road
Ans: b

69. Honesty is a virtue. It is an exceedingly wise policy:
(a) too        (b) next     (c) but        (d) equally
Ans: a

70. He left the room open, the underline word here is:
(a) an adjective    (b) an adverb       (c) a noun  (d) adverb
Ans: b

71. If I had a million pounds,
(a) I had bought an estate     (b) I will buy an estate
(c) I would buy an estate       (d) I would have bought an estate
Ans: c

72. The car _____ at the gate of the house.
(a) looked out      (b) pulled up      (c) set in    (d) gave in
Ans:  b

73. An ignorant person, especially one pretending to have knowledge is called:
(a) Iconoclast      (b) ignoramus     (c) inebitrate       (d) misogamist
Ans: b

74. I _____ my favorite book.
(a) reread   (b) overread        (c) preread                    (d) antiread
Ans: a

75. The antonym of 'dismis' is:
(a) discharge       (b) disprove         (c) repeal   (d) reinstate
Ans: d

76. The toy was very attractive, but nobody knew its mode of operation, the substitute for the underlined words is:
(a) locus standi    (b) in tato (c) modus operandi      (d) pre tempore
Ans: c

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